Wander Search Wellington

Wander Search Wellington

LandSAR Wellington - Wander Track Team in Action - Photo Atrribution - Brian Sheppard

What we do

The Wellington Wander Search Team is part of Wellington Land Search and Rescue. Utilising the WanderTrak© Tracking system, this service provides peace of mind to family members and people caring for persons with cognitive impairments like dementiam and autism.

If a pendant wearer goes missing, the tracking system reduces the time it takes to locate them, which increases the chances of returning them home safely. Each wearer has a unique identifier that can be dialed into the tracking equipment allowing for select tracking of that wearer. With over 300 users in the greater Wellington region, this becomes very useful in locating the correct wearer.

The Wander Search team deploy any time, day or night and at any hour. Quick and early location of the missing can save lives.

What happens if a pendant wearer goes missing?

If a pendant wearer goes missing, dial 111 and ask for Police. The NZ Police support the WanderTrak system throughout New Zealand. This nation wide support means that a wander search team can still be deployed if the wearer has traveled to another region. The deployed team may be a Police team, or the team may also include Wellington Land Search and Rescue volunteers.

Having a pendant doesn’t prevent accidents, but it does enable the opportunity of a faster and more likely location of the missing individual.

Who are our pendant wearers?

 Most often people think of the elderly or an autistic person as our clients,  but these are not our only customers.  Any one of any age can be a pendant wearer. There are other vulnerable conditions where these pendants can be useful for the carers, an example is in the case of head injuries.  If you have a wanderer, please check in and ask about eligibility.

All wanderers are reviewed for pendant suitability and when the pendant is no longer of use to them or the carers, they can be returned.

How much does it cost?

Each pendant costs $300 and there is a $10 per month fee for replacing the battery every and matineance. This is replacement fee is often advertised as $60 that is paid at pendant replacement. The pendant is replaced every five-six months with a reconditioned one that has a new battery and neckband. WINZ, ACC and other community organisations can help with the cost of pendants. We are always in need of sponsors for these to help our users with costs.

The Wander Search Wellington Trust is a private trust that regularly seeks sponsors to assist with the funding of units.


Contact Details

For information about getting a pendant in the Wellington Region please contact the following people: 

Name: Ray Harkness
Email: wellingtonwandersearch@gmail.com
Phone: 021 066 5579
Name: Sergeant Anthony Harmer
Email: anthony.harmer@police.govt.nz


If a pendant wearer goes missing anywhere in New Zealand, dial 111
and ask for Police as soon as possible

Wander Search in Use
Ray Harkness

Wander Search Wellington Partners

New Zealand Police